About Me

To teach and empower music lover in pursuing their dream!

About Boon Hwee

Boon Hwee, a passionate music lover has been playing guitar for 7 years. He has since attained ABRSM Grade 6 for Classical Guitar, as well as, Grade 5 for Music Theory awarded by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM). 

Boon Hwee specialize in teaching gutiar playing style of  Pop Contemporary, Jazz and Classical genre.He has been teaching guitar for the past 5 years. Before deciding to be a full time guitar teacher, he has been coaching and guiding members from his church in playing guitar for around 3 years. Since then, he had raised up a group of guitarist to serve and play for the cell group and music ministry in church. Currently Boon Hwee has another group of students learning in his new founded music school.

Beside teaching guitar, Boon Hwee also enjoys performing. He has the privilege to serve in the music ministry from his church for the past 6 years. 

Playing in Church

Boon Hwee also plays for other events, such as wedding gigs, D&D functions,  overseas outreach ( South Korea and Bali),  and other corporate  events. He is especially specialized in playing for wedding dinners and gigs. 
Bliss Garden Expo, during a Wedding Dinner
D&D function
Some of the background music he plays :
Taylor Swift, Stevie Wonderings, Hillsong United, Greenday, My Chemical Romance, Olivia Ong, Frankie Vallie, Maroon 5, Jay Chou, F.I.R, 五月天,and many more.

Boon Hwee hopes to groom a generation of guitarist that not only enjoys what they play and learn, but also able to apply skills and techniques in stage performances. Being a teacher himself, it is his absolute delight that one day his students will in turn become guitar teachers as well.

It is through hard work and determination, one’s future will be decided, not talents or gifts.

“Without music, Life would be a mistake” – Gramophone